Some terms in the Agriculture industry are not widely known or they are acronyms that if you are not from this industry can be hard to figure out. Below we cover some of these terms.
Pest Control Advisers (PCAs) are licensed professional production consultants who serve California agriculture and horticulture producers. PCAs specialize in pest management, but they are also an important resource to producers in a wide range of production concerns related to plant health. A PCA is licensed by the State of California to engage in the following activities: Provide pest management recommendations, which must be in writing. Hold self as an authority on any agricultural use. Solicit sales of products or services for agricultural use
The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) data is the most detailed level of digital soils data available from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). A SSURGO data set consists of map data, attribute data and metadata. The Map extent for a SSURGO data set is a soil survey area, which may consist of a county, multiple counties, or parts of multiple counties.
Is a technology company that provides sensors, that when run through a field can provide you with your soils EC, OM and pH.
Soil ECSoil EC is soil electrical conductivity – a measurement of how much electrical current soil can conduct. It’s an effective way to map soil texture because smaller soil particles such as clay conduct more current than larger silt and sand particles.Soil OMSoil OM or Organic matter, consisting of plant and animal residues at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substances synthesized by soil organisms.Soil pHSoil pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of a soil. Soil pH is considered a master variable in soils as it affects many chemical processes. It specifically affects plant nutrient availability by controlling the chemical forms of the different nutrients and influencing the chemical reactions they undergo. The optimum pH range for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.5.
AgVerdict Terminology
Management boundaries show the field’s actual boundaries. This boundary should be as accurate as possible. This acreage is used when calculating the minimum amount of a product a grower should need to cover a field.
Operational boundaries are used to define an area to be treated. This includes buffer zones around the field which are treated with the same applications as the field, generally to prevent encroaching weeds and pests.