Feature / Hot fix release : 8/5/2022 Commodity Plan Duplicate Recommendation In this release we have added the ability in the commodity plan to quickly duplicate a...
Feature / Hot fix release : 5/20/2022 Feature Enhancements Full Site ID Edit in Recommendations For recommendations made for Growers in Monterey County, we have added the...
Feature / Hotfix release : 4/13/2022 Feature Enhancement Commodity Plan Expandable Location Cards In this release we have added Expandable location cards to the Commodity Plan...
2/9/2022 Feature Release: Duplicate Rec and More! Duplicate Recommendation When you are done creating a recommendation, we have added the ability to save that recommendation, then duplicate...
Feature Enhancement/Hot-fix: 1/27/2022 New Features Recommendation “In Stock” Filter In the recommendation page, we have added a filter to show only “In Stock”...
Hot-fix Release: 1/14/2021 Addressed Issues: Addressed issue when using tank mixes in recommendations that would change your ship quantities to “0”. This would...
Feature Enhancement/Hot-fix: 12/17/2021 Feature Enhancements Application Events We have added a “Notes” option for each locations application event. This information will only be...
Hot-fix Release: 11/19/2021 Enhancements AgLogic Integration If a recommendation has been sent to Aglogic, and the user tries to create an application event...
Feature Enhancement/Hot-fix: 11/5/2021 AgLogic to AgVerdict Application Event integration When the user sends an AgVerdict Recommendation to AgLogic and an order is created,...
Hot-fix Release: 10/21/2021 Enhancements Product Summary Report – Farm Planning & Budgeting Custom Blends and Fertilizers are now combined under the “Fertilizer ”...