How To Delete a Trap on iOS Below we outline what steps are needed to properly delete Traps on your iOS devices. These steps are demonstrated on...
How To: screen capture on iOS device iOS Tip: Recording you device screen In iOS there is a feature that allows you to record your iPhone or...
Creating Field Boundaries (iOS) Before you Begin If you have poor/no service, download your grower details before going into the field. Make sure you...
Grid Sampling iOS Grid Sampling on iOS Note: before you can collect samples you need to set up the sampling event. Setting Up...
Video: iOS App installation and AgVerdict NEXT In the video below we cover how to find, install and launch the iPad Classic app. We also cover how...
AgVerdict NEXT App Updates Lure Type, Replace Lure and Replace Liner on quick Trap Count drawer: We have added a quicker way to access...
iOS App Feature / Hotfix Release: 12/16/24 AgVerdict NEXT App 3.3.0 release Sampling Update Users are now able to create Zone Composite sampling events and Grid sampling...