Update to Scouting and Trapping Report Emails
We have added some workflow changes to how emails can be sent from the app. Below are the two options available.
Workflow 1
When creating the report, if you select ” Email report”, instead of viewing it first, we will send an email without attachments. This email will contain download links that anyone can download.
This new workflow was to ensure that any size report can be sent to the customer through the download link. Previously we had limitations on how big a report we can send as an attachment.
Example of Email
Workflow 2
If you would like to send the Scouting or Trap report from your email client on your iOS device, we have added that ability. This will also allow the email to be sent from your email. This workflow WILL attach the document to the email.
- When generating the report, select “View Report”.
- Once viewed, select “Email Report”.
- Then populate the recipients that you would like to send it to.
- Then Select “Send Email”.
- This will then open up the email in your email clients view.
Example of Email
Disable Switching of Grower Toggle
Users who have many growers in close proximity have had issues selecting the lands and accidentally being prompted to switch growers. To help this, we have added an option under “Preferences” to disable the tap to switch growers.
Addressed Issues
- NSM-2385 – Fixed issue where photos taken in landscape orientation were leaving blank spaces. This now fits as expected.
- NSM- 2460 – Addressed issue where the observation notes taken earlier are not visible and the event title is missing. This is now working as expected.
- NSM – 2568 – Fixed issue where the change grower popup could not be dismissed. It now allows for the popup to be dismissed properly.
- NSM – 2569 – Fixed issue where the change grower popup did not contain the growers name. This now displays correctly.