Below we cover how to Save / Search / Overwrite and Delete Tank Mixes.
Creating new Tank Mixes in Recommendations
- Login to AgVerdict Next ( ) and navigate to your grower, farm and field.
- When hovering over the field, click on the eyeball icon, then select “+ New Rec”.
- Complete header information.
- Navigate to the Products section. To create a new Tank Mix choose your products by typing the name or type of the product in the search box.
- When all products have been added for the tank mix, click Save Tank Mix.
- Name the tank mix and click Create New Tank Mix.
- This will then pull up a screen showing a review of the tank mix. Then choose either to replace existing products that are in the Rec or Add Products to Rec.
- If the products are already in the Rec, there will be a text box stating the products are already in the Rec. Click OK to bypass this.
- If the products are already in the Rec, there will be a text box stating the products are already in the Rec. Click OK to bypass this.
Using a saved Tank Mix
- When in a new Rec in the Products section, click the Tank Mix button.
- A list of saved Tank Mixes will pop up. From here you can Add or View the mix.
- To search for a saved Tank Mix, type a name or description in the search box.
- To search for a saved Tank Mix, type a name or description in the search box.
- You can also click on the “View” button to see more information
Overwriting a Already Saved Tank Mix
If you want to update an already created tank mix:
- Click on the “Save Tank Mix” Button on the right hand side of the Products search.
- Type in the name of the already saved tank Mix, or select from the drop down options.
- The “Create New Tank Mix” button will now change to ” Overwrite Tank Mix”.
4. This will overwrite what was previously saved in that Mix.
Deleting Tank Mixes
To delete a tank mix
- Navigate into a recommendation.
- Select the “Tank Mix” option in the products area.
- Select “View” on the Tank mix that you would like to remove.
- Then in the view screen select the “Delete Tank Mix” Option.