Quotes in AgVerdict Orders
Quotes was designed for users to qucikly and easily come up with a quote to send out to the customer prior to creating an Order. One thing to note is that we will not split or divide a quote by agency products or finance terms. The only time it will be split is when it is turned into an order.
Quotes Tab
The user is able to view specific columns in the Quote list page to find what they are looking for.
From the Quote list the users will be able to:
- Create a new Quote
- Expand “Order Number” if multiple orders are displayed in the order # column.
- You can click on the eyeball for other options
NOTE : If the Quote has an Order tied to it we will not allow the user to Void or Edit the Quote.
Create a Quote
We have a new section for “Date”. This is to set the date range that the quote will be valid for. These dates will show up on the quote report that you can create for the customer.
The selected salesperson will populate as the current users, but can be updated to someone else if needed. This information will also carry over to the Quote report.
Products will automatically be added with a default quantity of 1. This will allow users to quickly enter products and create a quote quickly.
Copy Quote
You will also be able to lookup previously created quotes or orders for the current customer. Then easily add that information to your new quote. Prices for these copied records will update to the current price.
Quote Report
Once your quote has been saved, you can generate a copy of the quote to give to your customer. You can email, or view and print this report.
The report will include:
- Customer info
- Creation and expiration dates
- Delivery info
- Product: SKU / Package size/ Price/ Quantity and total.
- The selected salesperson will have their contact information added at the bottom
Zones and VR updates
Created Zones from Imagery
Imagery file functionality has been implemented in AgVerdict Next from Classic. There have been no changes to the algorithms for uploading or processing the images into zones.
Equation Preview
When creating or viewing a Variable Rate Event, there is now a small blue info button next to the equation dropdown selection. Selecting this button will enable viewing of the equation in the same way that is possible in the Equations list. The popup can be closed by either clicking “Close” or by clicking outside of the popup area.
Re-number Sample Points
Sampling points can be renumbered within Sampling editing and creation pages. Clicking on the 1,2,3 button will remove all numbers from sampling points. The user can then click to renumber them as desired. Clicking on an already numbered point will set that point to the current highest number and then renumber all points with a lesser value. For example, in the screenshot, if I click on the #1 point, it will set that point to 3. It will then make point #2 = 1 and point #3 = 2.
Addressed VR Issues
- The credits field in the Variable Rate has been fixed to correctly accept negative values in AgVerdict Next.
- When Saving and Exiting from the creation of a VR event, it will no longer reprocess the page if the page has not been modified.
- An issue would occur occasionally where the quick creation of additional VR events would overwrite a previous event. This has been resolved.