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Feature / Hotfix Release: 3/29/2024

Minimum Sale Price

In AgVerdict NEXT we have implemented a “Minimum Sales Price” indicator in recommendations, quotes and orders that will stop users from going below the floor price shown if that SKU is on the Minimum Sale List.

Products will be identified two ways – by sales leadership by SKU for a location / district. Or when the floor is at or below a threshold set above the expected net cost. Products identified will enforce a hard floor in AgVerdict NEXT. Prices below floor will default back to floor and a yellow pop-up will display, until an approval outside of AgVerdict NEXT is granted.  The approval process will be communicated from the pricing and sales leadership teams.

If approved, an agreement will then be loaded by the pricing team and a new reason code of ” Approved price” will need to be selected.

Zones Update

Trimble GFX has been added as an option for exporting zones. The folder structure will be in the format of “AgData / Prescriptions / ” with the shapefiles within the Prescriptions folder.

Trimble GFX will be added to the VR export option list shortly.

Addressed Issues

  • Fixed issue where Stand alone app event details were missing and the correct date was not showing. This is now fixed, and details and the correct dates selected are shown.
  • Addressed issue when creating an order from a recommendation, then selecting ” review divides and orders”, an error would occur. This now displays the information on the divides and orders properly.
  • Addressed issue in application events, when you split the event the default equipment isnt working correctly. It now will populate the default equipment for the selected applicator.

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