Users are able to draw boundaries in FarmShots or upload boundary shapefiles directly from AgVerdict. Below are steps on how to upload boundaries and pull images from FarmShots.
Exporting boundaries from AgVerdict
- Go to the Tools menu and click Bulk GIS Export.
- Select Data Type as Boundary. Select the Branch and Grower. Click Search.
- Select the field and click Export.
- Open the link to the exported file when it is done. Extract the zip boundary file and save.
Importing boundaries into FarmShots
- Go to (You must have an account with Farmshots to view/pull imagery)
- If you need to get signed up for a FarmShots account please email .
- Click on the Plus Sign on the top of the home screen.
- If you do not have this icon, please contact .
- If you do not have this icon, please contact .
- Name the farm and click Save.
- Select Upload.
- Browse out to find the boundary shape files that were exported from AgVerdict. Select all 3 file types (.shp, .shx, .dbf) and click Upload.
- The boundary will appear on the map. From here the boundary can be saved, edited, and viewed.
Finding images and downloading them from FarmShots
- On the Farms Dashboard, click on the farm to open the map.
- View images by selecting the image.
- Click the download arrow icon and choose how to download the file. AgVerdict requires a .tiff file but you can download other options for any other needs you may have.
- Once the download is complete, it will appear on the bottom of your browser. Click the link to open it or just save it directly to your computer.
Uploading saved imagery back to AgVerdict
- Navigate to GFF.
- Click on Zones.
- Choose Imagery and click Next.
- Click Upload and choose your file and Provider (Must be 1-band ndvi). Click Add.