Feature Enhancements:
Applicator Scheduler
- In the “App Schedules” list we have added the “Load ID” information when viewing the quick information pop-out.
- On the applicator schedule reports page, we have added two drop downs for selecting the UOM on the reports. Dry selections: LB or LB/oz. Liquid Selections: Gal or Gal/Oz
- If Lb is chosen the value will be displayed in Lb and 10ths of Lbs.
- If Lb/Oz is chosen the value will be displayed in Lb and Oz and 10ths of Oz.
- If Gal is chosen the value will be displayed in Gal and 10ths of Gals.
- If Gal/Oz is chosen the value will be displayed in Gal and Oz and 10ths of Oz
- Added “Today” and “Today and Tomorrow” as selectable date ranges for the ” Scheduled Date” column. This can be saved as a list View.
- To make it easy for a user to find a Schedule from the information on a Load Sheet and other places in AgVerdict, we will add the unique Schedule ID as a column to the App Schedule list.
- Added the ability to easily add all selected recommendations onto a new schedule. If you select the new ” add all new locations to this schedule”. Previously you would have to create a new schedule them move them manually to add.
NOI Submission
For California, we have added the ability to select the “application time ” that is recorded on the NOI for submission.
Addressed issues:
- We have now made it possible to use CDMS products in both Variable rate and Advanced rec writing.
- When using the ” Proposed Date” filter in the recommendations list, it now will only display the date ranges selected. Previously it would display records outside the selected date range.
- Fixed issue where the ” PCA ” in the recommendation would disappear for some users, when editing the record. This now works as expected.
- Some users were hitting a persistent “Loading” icon when successfully submitting a blend. This would require a refresh of the tab to get past this. This has been resolved.
- Addressed issue where the”Proposed Date” filter set to the “Next 7 days” not working properly when used on the iPad.
- Addressed issue where the ” cost sheet” in reports was persisting in unpriced records. The cost sheet will no longer be able to be generated on unpriced records.