Below we will first cover some important information about how the information from JDE is pulled into AgVerdict. Second, we will go over some best practices and then finish up with a step by step process of how to create a Recommendation and push it into the JDE workbench to complete the order.
JDE information in AgVerdict
When we pull pricing into the Recommendation for selected products, we are pulling this information from the fulfillment Branch chosen in the Recommendation. This is also based on the JDE / Bill to Number that has been entered into the Grower information in AgVerdict.
No Price for Product
If you select a SKU for a product and no price is found, this means that the grower does not currently have a price set for this product in JDE. Continue with filling in a price in the Recommendation.
Wrong Price for product
If a price does not look correct when a SKU is selected, contact your JDE admin and work with them on correcting this. You may also want to check your Grower Bill to/JDE Number under the grower information in AgVerdict.
SKU / Inventory
To pull the correct SKU / Inventory information into the Recommendation, we use the “Fulfilling Branch” field in the Recommendation. This is auto-filled to match the grower branch, but can be changed to a different one if needed.
The inventory amount that you see under each SKU is synced every night with JDE.
Product SKU shows no inventory
If a SKU you need has no inventory showing, still select it, and once the order is made the procurement team will reach out to you if it needs to be ordered.
Best Practices
Use Recommendation Alternate name
If an alternate name for the Recommendation is set, it does not overwrite the actual Recommendation number. However, this does provide a unique name so that a multiple field Recommendation can be recognized as one order.
Match Primary UOM – SKU UOM to Ship Quantity UOM
When selecting the SKU with a container size, ensure that the Ship quantity and Ship UOM can be fulfilled by the SKU chosen.
- 1 QT Bottle SKU Selected. When you change your shipping quantity and the total reads 3.8 gallons, you can change it to 4 gallons. Select QT as the UOM and it will show the conversion to 16 QT.
Delivery Instruction
On the Recommendation creation page, under the application details there is a field for “Delivery instructions”. This information will also be sent over to JDE with the Recommendation information.
Order to Cash: How To
Below we will go over how to create a Recommendation in AgVerdict Next with JDE pricing and inventory checks. These can be pushed directly to JDE for billing.
- Login to AgVerdict Next ( ) and navigate to your grower, farm and field.
- When hovering over the field, click on the eyeball icon, then select “+ New Rec”.
- Fill in the header information.
- The Branch (Fulfilling) will be the branch where you pull the JDE inventory from. This will also be the branch that transfers over to JDE when we push the Rec over.
4. Complete Product information.
- Select Application Timing, Method and Spray Volume.
- Search the Products list by typing in the product name or type.
5. Complete the product information.
- We have now added the “Item / Desc/ Inventory” tab that pulls it’s inventory information and JDE item # directly from JDE.
- Once you select the inventory option a JDE Price should populate based on the customers JDE information and price group.
NOTE: These options will only appear when selecting the Product Provider as WECO. If any other options are chosen, the option for “Item/Desc/Inventory” will grey out and not be available. The pricing will still be available, but will NOT be pulling prices directly from JDE.
6. Finish adding products, pricing, locations, details and notes. When you have everything added, click “Submit”.
7. Once the Status is “submitted”, click the drop down arrow next to the “Edit” button. Click “Send for Order Proces….”.
A confirmation text box will pop up asking to confirm that you want to send it to JDE. Click “Yes”.
You will get a pop up stating that it was sent successfully and there will be a lightning bolt icon at the top showing that it has been sent.
Viewing Recommendations in JDE
- Open up JDE.
- Go to the Navigator and navigate to the Recommendation Workbench.
- Search for the Recommendation that was created in AgVerdict.
- Users can search by Rec Number, Grower Name or Inventory Branch.
- Note the details that transfer over from AgVerdict including G/F/F/B/SB, Alternate Rec Name, Proposed and Treated Areas, Commodity and App Method.
- Users can search by Rec Number, Grower Name or Inventory Branch.
- Select your Rec/s and click Select Rec. This will add your Rec to the “Selected Recommendations” grid.
- Select the Rec in the “Selected Recommendations” grid and click Convert to Sales Order.
- Fill out the new sales order header information.
- Open the Recommendation Product tab.
- This will show the products that were entered in the AgVerdict Rec.
- NOTE the information that was carried over from AV. This includes the App Rate/UOM, Ship Qty, Price Book and Pricing information.
- This will show the products that were entered in the AgVerdict Rec.
- Select the Product line and click on Create Order Detail.
- This will bring the product information down to the Sales Order Detail grid. Finish the Sales Order as usual.
- This will bring the product information down to the Sales Order Detail grid. Finish the Sales Order as usual.