Uploading soil sample results can be used for lab samples that are not uploaded automatically by the lab itself
1. Navigate to grower, farm, field.
2. Select Sampling from the task menu.
3. Select New Sampling.
4. Select sample type and create event. Place sample points and choose zones as necessary and Save sample layer.
5. Click the Edit icon next to the sample event. Click Edit and Complete.
a. NOTE: Event MUST be marked as “complete” in order for the results to be uploaded.
Creating an upload template and uploading results.
A template must be used to match the elements of the sample file to our AgVerdict element labels.
1. Under the Tools menu, click Bulk Upload.
2. Click Manage Templates.
3. Your FTS may already have a template created to use for your lab/file. You can read or edit templates to see what they include. If there is not a template already created, click Add New Template.
4. Name the template. Click Choose Files.
a. NOTE: Files must be in a CSV or Shapefile format.
5. The file will appear with columns that are in the file. Column labels must be matched to an AgVerdict Label. Choose a label to match each column and click Create.
6. Go back by clicking the arrow beside Manage Templates.
To upload CSV or Shapefiles.
1. Click Add Files.
2. Click in upload box to browse for your files or drag and drop files into the box. It will start uploading. The status will change once it uploads the file successfully.
3. Once files are successfully uploaded, click the arrow beside Add Files to go back to the list of files.
4. The file you uploaded will appear in the list along with a Process button.
5. Click Process. Choose template you created. Choose grower, farm, field and sample event. Click Save.
a. NOTE: if the sample event was not “completed” it will not show up here.
b. NOTE: There is also the option to create a New Sampling Event if there is longitude and latitude information in the file.
6. While this is processing the status will be green until it is done. Clicking Refresh will update the list to continue to show the status. Once finished, it will be moved to the “Processed” list.